1. 1.
    @4 e editine karşın:

    Both are grammatically correct because in modern English, the only thing needed to express a counterfactual situation is a past tense verb.

    If I was you = I'm not you,

    just as,

    If I were you = I'm not you.

    It works the same way with 'wish'.

    The correct form is,
    - I wish I were there.

    You use this form to show an "unreal" situation, i.e. the thing you are wishing for is not the way things really are.

    You may sometimes hear "was" used, since the subjunctive is relatively uncommon in English and people sometimes forget to use it, but "were" is definitely the correct verb.
  2. 2.
    ceyceey asker kampı
  3. 3.
    dıbına kodumun salakları anlamıyo ki
  4. 4.
    @4 senin ananı gibiyim dıbına kodumun salağı al öğren yannanımın başı ananı çapraz gibeyim oç http://tinyurl.com/psutv3o
  5. 5.
    anası gibişmiş :D
  6. 6.
    adamın dibi
  7. 7.
    Adamın hasıdır kalite yazardır bu panpam.
  8. 8.
    i was mı oluyomuş gençler sağolun ilkokullu ingilizcenizle aydınlattınız
  9. 9.
    kem göze where
  10. 10.
    kacmis orrospu cocugu anasini gibtimin pici yannan kafali kayniyo burasi amk